From 2 hour trips to whole-day-trips

Trips listed below are convenient for all - experienced paddlers, beginners, families with children, couples, youth groups, company events.
Just come to any of our Ingetour office and we will arrange the rest.

Trips / prices include:

  • boats & paddles
  • lifejackets (at any sizes from 2-year-old kids to an 3XL adult)
  • water resistant containers for your personal stuff
  • small map & instructions
  • transportation of boats & people (before or after the boat trip)

Prices are in CZK per person & include VAT.
We charge additional fee CZK 110 for single-seated kayak.

Vyšší Brod - campsite Pod Hrází

  length/time    start    finish  person
in canoe
in raft
10 km / 2-3 hrs Vyšší BrodRožmberk 520 CZK450 CZK
20 km / 4-5 hrs Vyšší BrodNahořany 660 CZK590 CZK
33 km / 7-8 hrs Vyšší BrodČ. Krumlov - kemp 890 CZK750 CZK

Rožmberk - campsite Pod Jezem

  length/time    start    finish  person
in canoe
in raft
10 km / 2-3 hrs RožmberkNahořany 520 CZK450 CZK
25 km / 5-6 hrs RožmberkČ. Krumlov - Vltavan 650 CZK580 CZK
28 km /6-7 hrs RožmberkČ. Krumlov - Centrum/Trojice 740 CZK650 CZK

Nahořany - campsite Nahořany

  length/time    start    finish  person
in canoe
in raft
12 km / 2-3 hrs NahořanyČ. Krumlov - Vltavan 550 CZK480 CZK
16 km / 3-4 hrs NahořanyČ. Krumlov-Centrum/Trojice 640 CZK550 CZK

Český Krumlov - campsite Vltavan

  length/time    start    finish  person
in canoe
in raft
4 km / 1-2 hrs Č.Krumlov-VltavanČ. Krumlov-Centrum 500 CZK420 CZK
4 km / 1-2 hrs Č.Krumlov-VltavanČ. Krumlov-Trojice 500 CZK420 CZK
17 km / 4-5 hrs Č.Krumlov-VltavanZlatá Koruna 660 CZK610 CZK
35 km / 7-8 hrs Č.Krumlov-VltavanBoršov 850 CZK720 CZK

Český Krumlov(INGEtour office: Centrum and U Trojice)

  length/time    start    finish  person
in canoe
in raft
13 km / 3-4 hrs Č.Krumlov-Centrum/TrojiceZlatá Koruna 660 CZK610 CZK
31 km / 6-7 hrs Č.Krumlov-Centrum/TrojiceBoršov 850 CZK720 CZK
4 km / 1-2 hrs Č.Krumlov-VltavanČ. Krumlov-Centrum/Trojice 500 CZK420 CZK

Zlatá Koruna (INGEtour office)

  length/time    start    finish  person
in canoe
in raft
20 km / 4-5 hrs Zlatá KorunaBoršov 650 CZK590 CZK
17 km / 3-4 hrs Č. KrumlovZlatá Koruna 660 CZK610 CZK

Boršov nad Vltavou (INGEtour office)

  length/time    start    finish  person
in canoe
in raft
20 km / 4-5 hrs Zlatá KorunaBoršov 650 CZK590 CZK
35 km / 6-7 hrs Č. KrumlovBoršov 850 CZK720 CZK

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