Parking fees at Ingetour campsites - prices per day (off-season/high season):

  • automobile 180/190; bus, camper, caravan 400/500; motorbike 90/100 CZK.
  • Parking fee at special parking lots for INGEtour boat rental clients - 100 CZK/day (only in Vyšší Brod, Rožmberk, U Trojice - Český Krumlov, Zlatá Koruna, Boršov.

    Parking cannot be reserved and/or claimed. Ingetour cannot guarrantee free parking capacities.

    Ingetour is not responsible for any damage to clients cars or property.

  • Parking lots at campsites and special parking lots are not watched and guarded
  • Ingetour parking faciilities:

    Vyšší Brod - Campsite Pod Hrází & boat rental
    Large parking lot "Hrudkov" for automobiles and buses, situated behind the train station about 5-minute-walk from the campsite and boat rentals office. Parking in the campsite (close to tents or cabins) is to be paid according to campsite price list.

    Rožmberk - Campsite Pod Jezem & boat rental
    Parking lot about 150m away from boat rental office. Limited capacity about 20 cars!
    Parking in the campsite only upon prior arrangment and permission of the staff.

    Nahořany (Branná) - Campsite Nahořany & boat rental
    (only standard parking fee)

    Large parking lot at the entrance to the campsite

    Český Krumlov - Campsite Vltavan & boat rentals
    (only standard parking fee)

    Parking for boaters is at the rear of the campsite area - about 200m from boat rental office. Parking in the garrage (capacity 25 cars), locked at nights.

    Český Krumlov - U Trojice - boat rental only!
    Boat rental office on the right river bank, by the bridge. Parking lot with limited capacity.

    Zlatá Koruna - Campsite U Kučerů - boat rental only!
    Boat rental office is situated close to the entrance to the campsite. There is a parking lot in the boat rental area with capacity about 40 cars. Parking is also possible in the campsite - clients pay the fee to campsite staff.

    Boršov nad Vltavou - boat rental only
    Parking lot in the boat rental area with capacity about 40 cars.
    Large parking lot about 200 m away from boat rental.

    Lenora - Campground Lenora & boat rental

    Parking places next to the boat rental office.
    Parking in the campsite (close to tents) is to be paid according to campsite price list.

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