individual transportation is an alternative way to Ingetour bus service, if regular times do not suit you or if you travel from/to other than Ingetour bus stops,
  transportation from/to any locality (hotels, boarding houses, train or bus stations),
  transportation with minibuses and buses of various sizes (8, 16, 20, 45, up to 60 seats),
  the table below gives prices to the most common localities. Do not hesitate to ask for the price to any other locality,
  due to limited capacities, advance reservation of individual tranportation is recommended.

Prices from VYSSI BROD:

  up to 8 persons up to 16 persons up to 45 persons
Rozmberk 600 1.000 1.600
Nahorany 700 1.200 2.400
Camp Vltava 800 1.700 2.900
Camp Piskarna / Viking 900 1.700 2.800
Cesky Krumlov 1.250 2.300 3.500
Zlata Koruna 1.450 2.700 3.900
Borsov - lodenice 1.700 3.100 4.300
Ceske Budejovice - centrum 2.150 4.100 5.300
Lipno nad Vltavou 650 1.000 1.600
Frymburk 900 1.200 2.400
Nova Pec 1.850 3.100 4.300
Lenora 2.450 4.300 5.500

Prices from ROZMBERK:

  up to 8 persons up to 16 persons up to 45 persons
Vy Brod 600 1.000 1.600
Nahorany 600 1.200 2.400
Camp Vltava 700 1.500 2.700
Camp Piskarna / Viking 750 1.700 2.900
Cesky Krumlov 1.150 2.300 3.500
Zlata Koruna 1.350 2.700 3.900
Borsov - lod nice 1.650 3.400 4.600
Ceske Budejovice - centrum 2.050 4.100 5.300
Lipno nad Vltavou 750 1.500 2.700
Frymburk 1.150 1.900 3.100
Nova Pec 2.050 3.700 4.900
Lenora 2.750 5.100 6.300


  up to 8 persons up to 16 persons up to 45 persons
Cesky Krumlov - centrum 500 850 1.400
Zlata Koruna 650 1.000 1.600
Borsov 1.050 1.500 2.700
Camp Piskarna/Viking 650 1.000 1.600
Camp Vltava 650 1.000 1.700
Nahorany 750 1.700 2.900
Rozmberk 1.150 1.700 2.900
Vyssi Brod 1.250 2.300 3.500
Lipno nad Vltavou 1.350 2.100 3.300
Frymburk 1.150 1.700 2.900
Nova Pec 1.750 2.900 4.100
Lenora 2.350 4.100 5.300

The prices listed here are in CZK (K ).

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